Wednesday, January 27, 2010

the deed is done…

We did it…finally…like we promised. Our blog is up and now we must write. And you must comment to keep us motivated to keep writing. Deal? We miss you all and this will help with the challenge of keeping in often in touch!

Our new adventure has begun in Raleigh, NC! We love the area, get lost constantly and are excited to explore every nook and cranny of the Triangle. Sam is in his third week of classes, and I am attempting to fill my schedule with the fun, interesting and useful for the next six months.

Six months, you say? Yup, “Tiny Wee One” is on its way and will arrive in mid-August and then I will have my schedule filled for me. We are absolutely thrilled! I’ve been hunting down baby websites, looking at my baby patterns with new eyes, learning how to knit and grinning foolishly at every baby in every store I wander through.

So how are we settling into apartment life? We are spoiled to be on a quiet third level and love our little place, with it’s big windows and big closets. But my own personal challenge is…the kitchen.

I blinked innocently when Sam noticed that nearly a third of our moving boxes were marked “kitchen/dining”. ::Sigh:: ‘Tis true, ‘tis true. I laughed (what else was there to do?) when I realized, while unpacking my gadgets and silverware, that I have only two drawers, one of which doesn’t deserve to be called such. And when I reached the kitchen aid box, toaster oven, food processor….ack, I have only two and a half square feet of counter space! Undaunted we charged off to Lowe’s and found a wire shelving unit that fit nicely in my craft closet around the corner.

So now I march each appliance back to its little spot on the shelf, wipe my weensy counter and begin the next step of whatever my culinary enterprise happens to be. Its a pain, but I usually don’t have a colossal mess taunting me when I am finished. Mom often threatened, as she vigorously scrubbed tomato spatters from the walls, to ban me from the kitchen if I wasn’t helping her by making dinner so often. Well, Mom….when all else fails, confine the cook.

Oh, and one piece of advice: Never ask an engineering grad student to cook rice while he’s deep in study. My favorite pot is dead.



Anne said...

ohhh...too bad about the pot. Is it unusable? Does this mean a "quick" trip to Williams Sonoma on your next visit? :0

And I can't imagine Sam minding terribly about all the kitchen boxes...after all, he gets to benefit from your culinary delights day in and day out.

Missing you!

Jason Cooper said...

Very funny and heartwarming :)
Pics of the new place? Of the kitchen at least?
How about pics of any places or stores you've seen?

Need anyone up here to do hunting with respect to deals/coupons/baby mat'ls?

Ruth and I do miss you; I really appreciate Ruth when I was studying for my Bachelors, I have no doubt Sam appreciates you while he's studying for his graduate degree.

Sorry about your pot! Crazy days indeed!


Sam & Chelsea said...

No, Amazon came to the rescue and I found a replacement online. But during those few weeks of waiting, oatmeal just didn't taste the same from a frying pan. :-)

Muddy said...

Oooo! I love the sunset! It reminds me of Lands End, England, or Maine.

Did you save the pot? I have had success resurrecting dead pots in the past and am willing to try when I come for a visit, hopefully soon.

So, confinement is what it took, huh? To be honest, I miss those tomato spatters on my wall.

Love you! Miss you!

uncle joe said...

sounds like life is definitely crazy right now...

as always, i am going to be bugging you for more pictures... COME ON CHELSEA!!!! you have a better camera than mine, you need to use it more!!!!!

and yeah, i could of told you that you shouldn't let sam into the kitchen... :P :P (unless its for cheesecake... :P :P)

oh, and with you're kitchen... i guess this just means you have to come up more often so you can use our GINOURMOUS kitchen... :P :P

so yeah... in six months, my camera activity will prolly go up some more... :P :P

Joel said...

Congratulations! Glad to hear you are settling in. And yes, photos will be greatly appreciated!

Love from CA,
Grandpa Joel

Deanne Reid said...

OOOOOoooooh! A blog sounds fun! =)
Good to stay in touch! Thanks for the birthday wishes! Do you like exclamation marks? I do!!!!

Shayne said...

Ouch-e-o on the pot. Hope we can talk again soon.

SammyJo said...

Awww, I love this!!!!! Looking forward to this blogging adventure with you 2!!!

Hugs and Love,

Aunt Deb xoxoxo

ps....Deanne, I am with you - I like exclamation marks too!

pps...Barb, you can invite me over and I'll splatter your kitchen ;-) I'm quite good at it too